1.In DC coupled applications, input impedance is not as important as input current and its voltage drop across the source resistance.
2.Some RS-485 Transceivers modify the input impedance to allow up to 8 - times more nodes to be connected to the same bus .
3.This type of antenna measurements can be translated into measuring the input impedance of two-port network.
4.Instrumental amplifiers with high input impedance, high CMRR and low drift are widely used in the small signal amplifying field.
5.The sensor's input impedance is tens of gigaohms, so the act of taking a measurement does not throw off the quantity being measured.
6.Detectors with high impedance have higher thermal noise and time constant, should be used with an amplifier with high input impedance.
7.The resulting speed-up comes from the reduction of the input impedance of the picoammeter due to negative feedback.
8.The proper optimization of the gain and input impedance of an antenna is discussed in the view of practice.
9.Input impedance is a misleading concept in a DC coupled unity-gain buffer.
10.The smaller the difference between load and line impedances, the smaller the input impedance variation on the line. (2).